
I really have to admire authors who can pump out story after story.  I know it takes A LOT of practice, but I just have to drop my jaw in awe and say “wow.”

I put my name in to participate in a horror flash fiction “contest,” and I gotta say I’m a little overwhelmed.  We were given 3 days to finish it, but I begged and pleaded to make it a week instead.  

I know what you’re thinking.  You could write at least 3 stories in that amount of time, right?  In my lowly defense, I’m a stay-at-home full time mom, a stay-at-home full time employee, a stay-at-home college student taking distance education courses, and between all that I have to cook, clean, and write.  I might be able to read a story here and there.  As I take a deep breath and calm my anxieties of realizing how much of a life I really don’t have, I’m determined to remember that I don’t have to be like everyone else.  I think that’s a serious road block in my writing:  The feeling of having to be like the author who just dropped a 1,000 word story in less than an hour or the novelist who has the New York Times Bestseller every 3 months.  That’s just not me.

So, for you all-or-nothing writers, I once again tip my hat.  For all you depressed writers out there who don’t feel like you can compete, I feel you.  Besides, writing isn’t supposed to be a competition, right?  Unless you make it one.

About Violet VanDoren

Violet is my name, and horror is my game. I read it, write it, and watch as much grindhouse/horror that I can get my hands on. However, I wouldn't say I'm an expert. I'm forever a student in the art of gore. As far as writing goes, I've touched on it here and there in the past. I've had some change-of-life experiences happen to me and then out of nowhere....BOOM! The call of being a horror writer exploded into my life. Yeah, don't ask. Too many details, too little time. I may post some excerpts once in a while just to tease you. If my writing fits your fancy then maybe you'll buy my books when they get published. I'll definitely keep you posted. If there's a book or movie title you think I would enjoy, don't hesitate to swing it my way!

Posted on February 18, 2014, in Musings and Other Random Stuff and tagged , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 2 Comments.

  1. I love this blog of yours, Violet. You’ve consistently brought up some excellent topics and it always feels fresh.

    A couple of things to keep in mind here:

    As someone who as of late has been the sort of writer you’re alluding to, I can tell you that the more I write, the more inspiration I receive because I’m training my mind’s eye to perceive story potential in every aspect of the world around me. Sometimes even I don’t know where this stuff comes from. In some cases (like my first two attempts to write my story Truant last year) the idea doesn’t work and I end up with a hot mess. Also, I have plenty of periods without inspiration or, if it is there, the writing is very slow going. I’ve abandoned way more stories than I’ve completed because I lost the fire a few pages in and nothing else sparked, making each of them a dead circuit.

    As to your busy schedlue.. well, that one you’re gonna have to figure out how to navigate. There’s no way around this: The only way to write, is to write. I’ve seen your work and I know that not only can you write, your writng is improving, so whatever pace you can manage, then that’s the pace you’ll work at. The key thing is to not get frustrated and give up. It’s not a competition. Remember what I once wrote about friends and family who tell me I’m gonna be the next Stephen King? I always smile, tell them I’m flattered by the comparison and then explain that I’m not interested in being the next Stephen King. My plan is to be the first D.S. Ullery. That’s what you need to do. Be Violet VanDoren the way that works best for Violet VanDoren, no matter what the pace.

    • Thanks for loving the blog. 🙂 I know sometimes I sound like I’m whining, but I like to vent. I have a habit of getting excited about a plan I make for myself and then it falls apart shortly after. It’s my fault, and I know it. I put too much on myself. I have so many responsibilities that it’s overwhelming. I’m seriously rethinking finishing school because of it.

      As you and I are believers of the Higher Power, I’ve really been leaning on Him to give me guidance on what to do. I really do want to finish school, but I have a feeling that is not what He wants me to do right now. I’ll need more prayer to get His OK for me to quit. The only way to get published right now is to put school aside for a little while (at least that’s what in my mind). I constantly set goals for myself, which can be rewarding yet also depressing and demanding.

      I do get what you’re saying. Do what’s best for me, and I will take that to heart from now on. Thanks again, friend. 🙂

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