Little epiphanies in writing

I know a myriad of issues will arise when you’re writing stories, and I’ve come up with one just last night that hit me like a lightning bolt.  My idea of description and setting totally sucks.  I’m not ashamed to say this at all.  I think as someone who is trying to “perfect” a craft that will be sent out into the masses one day, it is vital for me to admit my faults up front and be honest.  So, that’s it.  My little epiphany today is that I need to learn how to write better description and setting.  I figured this out last night when I was editing my newest short story called “Leftovers.”  (It’s a nasty little tale.  I think you’ll like it when it’s done.)

One of my goals for 2014 was to get published with my first anthology, but maybe that should be put on the back burner for now.  I’m beginning to believe that I need to study my own style and work on my weaknesses.  Definitely not a bad goal.  As much as I had hoped that 2014 would be the year, I can still hope for 2015.  However, it is only January, and my skill could sky rocket just within a few months.  I just won’t press myself for a deadline and see where this year takes me.

About Violet VanDoren

Violet is my name, and horror is my game. I read it, write it, and watch as much grindhouse/horror that I can get my hands on. However, I wouldn't say I'm an expert. I'm forever a student in the art of gore. As far as writing goes, I've touched on it here and there in the past. I've had some change-of-life experiences happen to me and then out of nowhere....BOOM! The call of being a horror writer exploded into my life. Yeah, don't ask. Too many details, too little time. I may post some excerpts once in a while just to tease you. If my writing fits your fancy then maybe you'll buy my books when they get published. I'll definitely keep you posted. If there's a book or movie title you think I would enjoy, don't hesitate to swing it my way!

Posted on January 7, 2014, in Musings and Other Random Stuff and tagged , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 2 Comments.

  1. I wish you the best of luck. And I hope you reach your goals earlier than you expect. Looking forward to Leftovers.

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